About this Course

True PACS - Foundation for Clinical System Administrators

This instructor-led course provides detailed information about Workflow Manager (WFM) features and functions, including worklist and image viewer components, preferences, common tasks, and system defaults. This course is a combination of audio/visual lectures and hands-on activities. The current released version of the product will be reviewed during the class.

Note: This course is appropriate for clinical system administrators at organizations with the True PACS Technologist, Essentials or Professional package.


By the completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the main components of Workflow Manager (WFM).
  • Identify and explain worklist features and functions.
  • Perform common tasks (e.g., search for a patientexam, work with exam notes, study management (merge and split seriesstudies), etc.).
  • Display studies and utilize basic image viewer tools.
  • Identify and discuss system defaults installed with Edison True PACS (e.g., hanging protocols (HPs), user preferences, layouts, window level presets, and annotation overlays).


  • Completion of all pre-class instructions. 
  • Successful completion of the following courses:
    • True PACS - Universal Viewer Application Introduction (ETPCA001)
    • True PACS - Clinical System Administrator Workflow Training (Prework) (ETPCA050)


Start End Topic Description Duration
Day 1
10:00 AM 10:10 AM Welcome and Introductions 10
10:10 AM 10:30 AM Solution Overview
  • Introduction to Workflow Manager and the Image Viewer
  • User access
10:30 AM 10:50 AM Workflow Manager Components
  • Main components (Masthead, Workload Manager, Diagnostic Hub)
  • Full vs. split screen (“card view”)
10:50 AM 11:00 AM Searching for Patients and Exams 10
11:00 AM 11:15 AM User Preferences
  • Workflow preferences
  • Viewer preferences
11:15 AM 11:25 AM Hands-on Lab
  • Logging in
  • The Masthead
11:25 AM 11:45 AM Worklist Features and Functions
  • Types of worklists
  • Worklist features and icons/indicators
  • Pinning, sorting, and filtering worklists
  • Custom worklists
  • Default worklist
  • Creating a folder and saving exams
11:45 AM 12:00 PM Hands-on Lab
  • Workload Manager
12:00 PM 01:00 PM Break 60
01:00 PM 01:15 PM Worklist Configuration (Layout Templates)
  • Layout templates
  • Managing layout templates
  • Applying layout templates to worklists
  • Editing common layout templates
01:15 PM 01:30 PM Hands-on Lab
  • Layout templates
01:30 PM 02:00 PM Technologist Workflow
  • Scanning documents
  • Rejecting and unrejecting images
  • Sending in DICOM
  • Saving images (key images, presentation states, bookmarks)
  • Importing (CD/DVD import) and exporting (burn to CD/DVD) images
02:00 PM 02:15 PM Hands-on Lab
  • Technologist workflows
  • The Diagnostic Hub
02:15 PM 02:20 PM Exam Notes
  • Viewing and adding exam notes
  • Hiding and unhiding exam notes
02:20 PM 02:25 PM Hands-on Lab
  • Exam notes
02:25 PM 03:25 PM Viewing Studies and Images
  • Previewing vs. viewing a study
  • Viewing patient and exam information
  • Exam tabs
  • Changing exam statuses
03:25 PM 03:30 PM Day 1 Review 5
Day 2
10:00 AM 10:05 AM Day 1 Review 5
10:05 AM 10:20 AM Workflow Manager Preferences 15
10:20 AM 10:50 AM Introduction to the Image Viewer
  • Components of the image viewer
  • Accessing and using basic tools
10:50 AM 11:50 AM Study Management
  • Merge and split series
  • Merge and split studies
  • Change study information
  • Merging patient records
  • Exceptions
11:50 AM 12:20 PM Hands-on Lab
  • Study management
  • Exceptions
12:20 PM 01:20 PM Break 60
01:20 PM 01:35 PM Image Viewer
  • Accessing and using basic tools
  • Series menu
01:35 PM 01:50 PM Hands-on Lab
  • Image viewer
01:50 PM 02:05 PM Patient Historical Information
  • Navigator (Study Selector, Timeline and Thumbnails)
  • Series Selector
  • Components and series display
02:05 PM 02:20 PM Hands-on Lab
  • Patient historical information
02:20 PM 02:30 PM Default Hanging Protocols (HPs) 10
02:30 PM 02:45 PM System Defaults
  • User preferences
  • Layouts
  • Window level presets
  • Annotation overlays
02:45 PM 03:00 PM Discussion
  • Test system
  • Upcoming courses/training
03:00 PM 03:20 PM Technologist Learning Evaluation Checklist 20
03:20 PM 03:30 PM Course Review and Wrap-up 10

Total Time

  • Lecture: 450 minutes
  • Activities: 90 minutes
  • Assessment: 0 minutes
  • Q&A: 0 minutes
  • Breaks: 120 minutes


Catalog Tuition Credits Billable Hours Note
K2400JM 3500.0 0.0 0.0

Upcoming Classes

Start End Notes
Tuesday, 10-September-2024 10:00 AM CDT Wednesday, 11-September-2024 3:30 PM CDT