
Actions Course Title Course ID Delivery Method Description Catalog Pricing
*Hands-on Lab Preparation Course LBPREP101 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides steps to ensure you can successfully access the hands-on lab environment for upcoming courses. Troubleshooting steps are provided and may require resources from your site's IT department. Please complete this course from the PC and physical location you plan on taking the upcoming course. NOT APPLICABLE 0
AdminDesktop 8.0 SP2.0.0 for Radiology Release Overview ADMCA001 Self-Paced This course reviews the enhancements, and new features and functions applicable to clinical users of AdminDesktop 8.0 SP2.0.0.  NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Administration Tool Basics RA1CC120 Remote Instructor-Led This remote instructor-led course provides details on the clinical components of the Centricity Administration Tool (CAT). This course prepares participants to utilize CAT to manage the clinical aspects of their system to include; managing user accounts, procedures, physicians, and exam notes. This course is appropriate for participants whose facilities have Centricity PACS or Universal Viewer with Centricity PACS foundation. This course is an audio/visual lecture with student interaction encouraged. K2400JL 2500
Centricity Cardio Imaging to Centricity Universal Viewer Differences UVCCC100 Self-Paced

This self-paced course provides information on the differences between Centricity Cardio Imaging and Centricity Universal Viewer.

Centricity Cardio Workflow 6.x Release New Features Tutorials CCCCA202 Self-Paced

This self-paced course describes the new features and defect fixes within Centricity Cardio Workflow 6.0 and higher. Content is organized for the most part by service pack. The course is updated with new tutorials as service packs are released.

Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 Intelligent Reporting Workflow and Configuration CCCCA242 Remote Instructor-Led This course provides users who support the clinical features of Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) with information about the integration and workflow of CCW with Intelligent Reporting functionality. P2400JK 1500
Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP1 Release New Features CCCCA219 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides an overview of the key changes and enhancements in the CCW 7.0 SP1 release. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP2 Release New Features CCCCA220 Self-Paced This self-paced course introduces participants to the new features and enhancements included in Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP2. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP2.1 Release New Features CCCCA221 Self-Paced This self-paced course introduces participants to the new features and enhancements included in Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP2.1. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP3 Release New Features CCCCA224 Self-Paced

This course provides in-depth information on the clinical new features and enhancements in Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP3.

Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP3 focuses on new features and functionality based on customer feedback. It provides improvements in examination workflow that include importing data from a previous examination, an Undo operation for exam data entry, and the ability to revise exam data for signed reports. Both the Pediatric Echo and Nuclear modules have been significantly enhanced, and SP3 now includes support for Microsoft Windows 2016 and SQL Server 2016 for net new customers. There are also numerous fixes included in SP3.

Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP4 Release New Features CCCCA226 Self-Paced Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP4 is a global release applicable to all upgrades and net-new installations. The release provides updates and enhancements to clinical functionality, including updates to CathPCI appropriate use criteria (AUC), XML exam data export automation, native CRM Connect for the English language, and a new mode, Structural Heart. From an integration perspective, this release provides compatibility support for MUSE™ NX and EchoPAC™ 4D mapping. This course provides in-depth information on the clinical new features and enhancements in the release. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP4.1 Release New Features CCCCA229 Self-Paced This offering provides participants with details and information about the Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP4.1 release. It describes the scope of the release, lists and explains key clinical and technical updates and enhancements, and provides a list of relevant user documentation. Participants should have experience with CCW up to and including 7.0 SP4. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP4.1.1 Release New Features CCCCA230 Self-Paced This offering provides participants with details and information about the Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP4.1.1 release. It describes the scope of the release, lists and explains key clinical and technical updates and enhancements, and provides a list of relevant user documentation. Participants should have experience with CCW up to and including 7.0 SP4.1. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP5 Release New Features CCCCA235 Self-Paced

The Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) 7.0 SP5 release contains significant clinical updates, including a new HTML5 Scheduler feature, many CRM improvements, reporting changes, MUSE NX integration improvements, and an update for the CathPCI Registry®.

This course provides in-depth information on the clinical new features and enhancements in the release. Several new features are covered in additional courses due to their complexity. These courses are identified in the training materials for this offering.

Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP6 Release New Features CCCCA244 Self-Paced This course provides in-depth information on the clinical and technical new features and enhancements available in the Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) 7.0 SP6 release. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP7 Release New Features CCCCA263 Self-Paced

This course provides an overview and information about enhancements and new features in Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP7.

Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP8 Release New Features CCCCA264 Self-Paced

This offering provides participants with information about the clinical and technical changes, enhancements, and new features in Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP8.

Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP8.1 Release New Features CCCCA249 Self-Paced This course provides customers who support Centricity Cardio Workflow with the skills and information needed to work with new and improved application features in the CCW 7.0 SP8.1 release. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP8.2 Release New Features CCCCA251 Self-Paced This tutorial provides participants with information about the clinical and technical new features and enhancements in the Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) 7.0 SP8.2 release. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP8.3 Release New Features CCCCA260 Self-Paced This tutorial provides the learner with a high-level overview of the changes and enhancements in Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) 7.0 SP8.3. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.01 Release New Features CCCCA217 Self-Paced

This self-paced course provides customers with an in-depth review of the clinical features and enhancements in the CCW 7.01 release. This course is intended to prepare the student for more in-depth, hands-on training courses and activities.

Centricity Cardio Workflow Adult Echo Intelligent Reporting Overview CCCCA252 Self-Paced This tutorial provides a brief overview of the Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) Adult Echo Intelligent Reporting (IR) feature. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Cardio Workflow and MUSE NX Workflow and Configuration CCCCA236 Self-Paced This course provides users who support the clinical features of Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) with information about the integration and workflow of CCW with MUSE NX. P2400JK 1500
Centricity Cardio Workflow CathPCI 5.0 Spec Update Rev1 Release New Features CCCCA225 Self-Paced This tutorial provides a high-level overview of the CCW CathPCI 5.0 Rev1 release. This release is an upgrade-only release that targets US CathPCI and STS registry users. It includes changes and fixes to address updated CathPCI 5.0 registry specifications from the NCDR, updates to the STS registry, and addresses a backlog of product fixes. It encompasses the following product versions: 6.0 SP 6.2.1, 7.0 SP 2.2, 7.0 SP 3.1. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Cardio Workflow Clinical System Administrator with Reporting CCCCA195 Remote Instructor-Led This instructor-led course provides an in-depth review of the Centricity Cardio Workflow application (CCW) along with how to manage the physician reporting options along with reports and memos. Upon completion of this course, participants should be prepared to assist with the building and management of their CCW system. GE supported registries will also be examined. Successful completion of the course will prepare participants to assist with the configuration and use of the physician reporting options along with reports and memos in the Centricity Cardio Workflow application. This course is a combination of classroom lectures and hands-on activities. The current released version of the product will be reviewed during the class. In order to complete this course you will need to pass the quiz with a score of 80% or above. P2400JN PER STUDENT 4500
Centricity Cardio Workflow Clinical System Administrator with Reporting (In-Person Classroom) CCCCA262 HQ This course provides an in-depth review of the Centricity Cardio Workflow application (CCW) along with how to manage the physician reporting options along with reports and memos. Upon completion of this course, participants should be prepared to assist with the building and management of their CCW system. GE supported registries will also be examined. Successful completion of the course will prepare participants to assist with the configuration and use of the physician reporting options along with reports and memos in the Centricity Cardio Workflow application. This course is a combination of classroom lectures and hands-on activities. The current released version of the product will be reviewed during the class. P2400JN PER STUDENT 4500
Centricity Cardio Workflow Clinical System Administrator Workflow Only CCCCA191 Remote Instructor-Led This remote instructor-led course provides advanced information regarding the Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) application and teaches participants to leverage this knowledge to assist with building and management of their CCW system. This course is a combination of lectures and hands-on activities utilizing individual virtual environments. P2400JM, P2400JM PER STUDENT 3500, 3500
Centricity Cardio Workflow CRM Workflow and Configuration CCCCA243 Remote Instructor-Led This course provides the clinical system administrator with the skills and information needed to support the clinical workflow features of the CRM Implant and CRM FollowUp exam modes, as well as how to work with native CRM Connect to import and manage CRM data. P2400JK 1500
Centricity Cardio Workflow Custom Reporting with Crystal Reports (DMS Users Transitioning to CCW) CCCCA148 Self-Paced This self-paced course teaches participants how to use Crystal Reports to write reports against the Centricity Cardiology Workflow (CCW) database. This course is intended for report writers who previously supported Data Management System (DMS) and are now supporting Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW). In order to complete this course you will need to pass the quiz with a score of 80 or above. P2400JK 1500
Centricity Cardio Workflow Custom Reporting with Crystal Reports Part 1 CCCCA227 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides the participant with the fundamental skills needed to build a report in Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) using Crystal Reports. By using the predefined CCW Crystal Reports template as a starting point, the participant learns key concepts about relational databases and how to retrieve information from the CCW database in particular, basic features and functions of the Crystal Reports user interface, and how to configure a report for viewing and deployment. Lessons in this course are both informational and interactive with participants performing tasks in controlled simulations. A companion study guide accompanies the course, allowing participants to easily follow online lessons and record notes. This course prepares the participant for the Centricity Cardio Workflow Custom Reports with Crystal Reports Part 2 advanced training. P2400JK 1500
Centricity Cardio Workflow for System IT Managers CCCCT101 Remote Instructor-Led This remote instructor-led course provides participants with an introduction to general tasks and responsibilities as a system IT manager for Centricity Cardio Enterprise. Topics in this offering may change based upon customer system configuration and requirements. P2400JK, P2400JK 1500, 1500
Centricity Cardio Workflow Functional Application Overview CCCCA218 Self-Paced This course provides participants an introductory look at Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW). It provides an orientation to the application and its associated terminology, including screens, administrative functions, list sharing, catalogs and forms, and reporting. Successful completion of this course prepares the participant to complete additional courses in the Centricity Cardio Workflow curriculum. P2400JK 1500
Centricity Cardio Workflow High Availability and Disaster Recovery CCCCT102 Remote Instructor-Led This course provides Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) system administrators and system IT administrators with information regarding the high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) solutions for CCW 7.0 SP8.2 and higher. P2400JK 1500
Centricity Cardio Workflow Physician Report Templates for System Administrators CCCCA253 Self-Paced This course provides customers who use Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) physician reporting with an introduction to working with physician report templates using the Report Template Designer feature. By the completion of this course, participants should be able to describe how to launch and navigate the Report Template Designer, duplicate and edit a report template, manipulate modules within a sequence, work with data fields, export and import report templates, and manage report template-related System Administration configurations. P2400JK 1500
Centricity Cardio Workflow Scheduler Workflow and Configuration CCCCA237 Self-Paced This course provides employees with the skills and information needed to support the Scheduler feature. P2400JK 1500
Centricity Cardio Workflow Structural Heart Clinical Features and Workflow CCCCA248 Remote Instructor-Led This course provides participants with the skills and information needed to support the Structural Heart mode available in Centricity Cardio Workflow. This course targets CCW system administrators and super users. P2400JK 1500
Centricity Cardio Workflow TextGen Editor CCCCA250 Self-Paced This course provides participants with the skills and information needed to work with the Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) TextGen Editor tool introduced in CCW 7.0 SP8.1. P2400JK 1500
Centricity Clinical Archive (CCA) - Media Manager (MM) Application Features CCACE100 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides the user information needed to navigate the Media Manager application in both the mobile and web formats. K2400JK 1500
Centricity Clinical Archive Essentials CCACT100 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides customers with the knowledge required to understand GE's CCA solution prior to its installation. K2400JL 2500
Centricity Connectivity Module Management RICCA103 Self-Paced This self-paced course teaches participants how to use the Centricity Connectivity Module to manage interfaces, including basic interface terminology, working with errors, and starting and stopping systems. ICTRAINGROUPB 2500
Centricity Data Management System (DMS) to Centricity Cardio Workflow Application Differences Overview CCCCA223 Self-Paced This course provides an overview of key clinical application differences between Centricity Data Management System (DMS) and Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW). NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Data Management System 4.x Release New Features CCCCA211 Self-Paced

This self-paced course describes the new features and defect fixes within Centricity Data Management System 4.0 and higher. Content is organized for the most part by service pack. The course is updated with new tutorials as service packs are released.

Centricity Enterprise Archive Application Configuration and Monitoring EARCA204 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides instruction on performing tasks within the Centricity Enterprise Archive console, including how to create users and libraries. K2400JL 2500
Centricity Enterprise Archive DICOM Data Migration Tool EARCT201 Remote Instructor-Led This instructor-led session introduces participants EA DICOM data migration. Successful completion of the course will prepare participants to perform a migration from one EA Archive to another EA Archive. K2400JK 1500
Centricity Enterprise Archive Server and Database Overview EARCA203 Self-Paced This self-paced course covers how to manage Centricity Enterprise Archive's (EA) server and database. This includes the architecture, database administration and system monitoring to support Centricity Enterprise Archive. K2400JL 2500
Centricity Enterprise Archive Tag Morphing EARCA103 Remote Instructor-Led This remote instructor-led course provides customers with the fundamentals of Enterprise Archive's tag morphing feature. K2400JL 2500
Centricity Exam Manager EXMCC102 Self-Paced

This self-paced course provides information about the Centricity Exam Manager application. Key components of the Exam Manager user interface will be discussed. Exam status concepts and modifications will also be covered. Finally, the patient record and exam data reallocate and merge process will be covered. This course consists of audio visual lectures and product demonstrations. In order to complete this course you will need to pass the quiz with a score of 80 or above.

K2400JK 1500
Centricity PACS Basic Service for System Managers RA1CC203 Remote Instructor-Led This remote instructor-led course provides hands-on training on the operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of the GE Centricity PACS Linux System. This course is intended for PACS System Managers who will be responsible for maintaining and troubleshooting a Centricity PACS base server and DICOM Acquisition Service (DAS) servers. K2400JM 3500
Centricity PACS RA1000 v. to v.3.2.2 New Features Essentials RA1CC150 Self-Paced This self-paced course teaches participants about the new features and functions, technical updates, and application configuration updates included in the Centricity PACS RA1000 v. to v.3.2.2 releases. Participants should complete the modules relevant to their upgrade. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity PACS RA1000 Workstation Advanced RA1CC204 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides information on the advanced features of the Centricity PACS RA1000 Workstation. This includes various settings options, QC tools, display options, and workflows. K2400JL 2500
Centricity PACS RA1000 Workstation Basics RA1CC152 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides information on the basic features of the Centricity PACS RA1000 Workstation. This includes various desktop features, settings options, image viewing options, tools and functions, display options, and general workflows. K2400JL 2500
Centricity PACS RA1000 Workstation v.4.0 New Features Essentials RA1CC151 Self-Paced This self-paced course teaches participants about the new features and functions, technical updates, and application configuration updates included in the Centricity PACS RA1000 Workstation v.4.0 releases. Participants should complete the modules relevant to their upgrade. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity PACS System Architecture Overview RA1CC125 Self-Paced

This self-paced course provides a brief history of Centricity PACS (CPACS) architecture from conception to the current release. The course also explains the product naming conventions, release types, and the anatomy of devices used to make up a CPACS system.

K2400JK 1500
Centricity Radiology RA600 Basics RA6CC100 Self-Paced

This self-paced course demonstrates basic Centricity Radiology RA600 functionality such as locating, moving and printing studies.

P2400JK, K2400JK 1500, 1500
Centricity Radiology RA600 Quality Control Module RA6CC104 Self-Paced This self-paced course is specific to the Quality Control (QC) Module on the Centricity Radiology RA600 workstation. The QC module allows users to edit patient and exam data. This course is intended for sites that use the Quality Control Module functionality on RA600. This course is not approved for Continuing Education credits. P2400JK, K2400JK 1500, 1500
Centricity RIS-IC 10.7 Custom Reporting with Crystal Reports Part 1 CRYCA100 Self-Paced This self-paced course teaches participants how to use Crystal Reports to write and edit simple reports using selected Centricity RIS-IC views that can be run from the user's desktop. Participants will also learn how to create reports that can be installed in the Centricity RIS-IC application. ICTRAINGROUPC 3500
Centricity RIS-IC 10.7 Custom Reporting with Crystal Reports Part 2 CRYCA200 Self-Paced This self-paced course teaches participants to create reports based primarily on standard reports delivered with the Centricity RIS-IC application. In addition to working with custom functions, variables, and sub-reports, participants learn about formulas and how to create reports that use multiple Centricity RIS-IC user views. ICTRAINGROUPC 3500
Centricity RIS-IC 6.0 System Management RICCS105 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides the skills to manage the Centricity RIS-IC 6.0 system on a daily basis. Focus is on fundamentals of architecture, regular tasks and duties, SQL administration, and server maintenance. ICTRAINGROUPB 2500
Centricity RIS-IC Accounting Setup and Management RICCA200 Self-Paced This self-paced course covers Accounting module concepts, including functionality and setup considerations for visit numbers, charge codes, diagnosis and procedure codes, billing criteria and exceptions, and billing interfaces. ICTRAINGROUPB 2500
Centricity RIS-IC Application Security and Monitoring RICCA101 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides an introduction to Centricity RIS-IC security setup, including new user configuration, password maintenance, and other security-related settings. In addition, participants learn how to build access groups for controlling end user access to features and functions. ICTRAINGROUPB 2500
Centricity RIS-IC Diagnostic Report and Printing Setup RICCA201 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides participants with the knowledge needed to manage printing of diagnostic reports, forms, and reports. The course also covers the skills required to manage diagnostic report batches and distribution. ICTRAINGROUPB 2500
Centricity RIS-IC Functional Overview RICCA100 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides an overview of the core Centricity RIS-IC functional modules, targeting roles including front desk/reception, radiologist/resident, scheduler, technologist, transcriptionist/medical editor, and nurse. In addition, participants learn about common tasks and concepts used throughout the application. ICTRAINGROUPC 3500
Centricity RIS-IC Introduction to Dictionaries and System Setup RICCA102 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides a high-level introduction to working with Centricity RIS-IC dictionaries and system setup options, as well as how to connect to a Centricity RIS-IC database using Microsoft Excel in order to extract dictionary entry information. ICTRAINGROUPB 2500
Centricity RIS-IC Managing the Billing Cycle RICCA105 Self-Paced This self-paced course teaches participants how to prepare charges for transmission from Centricity RIS-IC to a billing system. ICTRAINGROUPB 2500
Centricity RIS-IC Mechanics of Printing RICCA104 Self-Paced This self-paced course teaches participants how to generate, view, and manage reports and scheduled printing jobs in Centricity RIS-IC. ICTRAINGROUPB 2500
Centricity RIS-IC Patient Alerts RICCA156 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides the support needed to configure and utilize the patient alerts functionality within Centricity RIS-IC. ICTRAINGROUPA 1500
Centricity RIS-IC Scheduling Setup and Management RICCA202 Self-Paced This self-paced course covers system setup, configuration, and dictionaries that impact Centricity RIS-IC scheduling workflow. ICTRAINGROUPB 2500
Centricity RIS-IC v.10.7 New Features Tutorials RICCA123 Self-Paced This self-paced course introduces participants to the new features and enhancements included in Centricity RIS-IC version 10.7. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity RIS-IC v.10.8 New Features Tutorials RICCA155 Self-Paced This self-paced course contains a series of tutorials that introduce participants to the new features and enhancements included in Centricity RIS-IC version 10.8 and subsequent update packages (UPs). This course is not approved for Continuing Education credits. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity RIS-IC v.6.0 SP10 New Features RICCA159 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides an overview of the Centricity RIS-IC v.6.0 SP10 release. The program goals and benefits, high-level new features, and documentation resources are discussed. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity RIS-IC v.6.0 SP8 New Features RICCA157 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides an overview of the Centricity RIS-IC v.6.0 SP8 release. This release follows v.10.8 UP15. The change in version is discussed in this course as well as the program goals and benefits, high-level new features, and documentation resources. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity RIS-IC v.6.0 SP9 New Features RICCA158 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides an overview of the Centricity RIS-IC v.6.0 SP9 release. The program goals and benefits, high-level new features, and documentation resources are discussed. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity RIS-IC v.7.0 New Features RICCA160 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides an overview of the Centricity RIS-IC v.7.0 release. The program goals and benefits, high-level new features, and documentation resources are discussed. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity RIS-IC v.7.0 SP1 New Features RICCA161 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides an overview of the Centricity RIS-IC v.7.0 SP1 release. The program goals and benefits, high-level new features, and documentation resources are discussed. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity RIS-IC v.7.0 SP2 Release New Features RICCA162 Self-Paced

This self-paced course provides an overview of the Centricity RIS-IC v.7.0 SP2 release. It addresses the program goals and benefits, high-level new features, and documentation resources. 

Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP10 for Cardiology Release Overview UNVCA146 Self-Paced This course reviews the new clinical features and functions included in Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP10. This course addresses enhancements to Centricity Universal Viewer for Cardiology. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP10.1 for Cardiology Release Overview UNVCA149 Self-Paced This course reviews the new clinical features and functions included in Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP10.1. This course addresses enhancements to Centricity Universal Viewer for Cardiology. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP8 for Cardiology Release Overview UNVCA127 Self-Paced This self-paced course introduces participants to the new features and enhancements included in Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP8 for Cardiology. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP8 for Radiology Release Overview UNVCA126 Self-Paced This self-paced course introduces participants to the new features and enhancements included in Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP8 for Radiology. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP9 for Cardiology Release Overview UNVCA129 Self-Paced This self-paced course introduces participants to the new features and enhancements included in Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP9 for Cardiology. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP9.0.1 for Cardiology Release Overview UNVCA142 Self-Paced This self-paced course introduces participants to the new features and enhancements included in Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP9.0.1 for Cardiology. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP9.0.1.6 for Radiology Release Overview UNVCA148 Read and Acknowledge

This course introduces participants to the new features and enhancements included in Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP9.0.1.6 for Radiology. This course is not approved for Continuing Education credits.

Centricity Universal Viewer 6.0 SP9.0.1.8 for Cardiology Application Software -CAS15- Release Overview UNVCA150 Self-Paced This self-paced course addresses various resolved Cardiology Application Software (CAS15) TomTec defects. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0 Artificial Intelligence Workflow UNVCA157 Self-Paced

This self-paced course reviews clinical workflows in Centricity Universal Viewer (UV) powered by artificial intelligence (AI) integration. Participants will learn about AI workflows supported by UV and their clinical features, as well as the configuration necessary to enable AI findings in UV.

This course includes the downloadable “Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0 Artificial Intelligence Workflow Job Aid”.

This course provides students with the following information: 

  • How to configure AI findings to display in UV/WFM.
  • What AI findings look like in UV/WFM.
  • How to toggle findings off/on via UV toolbar.
K2400JK 1500
Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0 Clinical System Administrator Workflow Training - Study List (Prework) UNVCA170 Self-Paced

This self-paced course introduces participants to the features and functions of Centricity Universal Viewer (UV). It provides an introduction to the main components of the UV application and common workflows. This course prepares participants to attend UV Clinical System Administrator training.

K2400JK 1500
Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0 Clinical System Administrator Workflow Training - WFM (Prework) UNVCA171 Self-Paced

This self-paced course introduces participants to the features and functions of Centricity Universal Viewer (UV) with Workflow Manager (WFM). It provides an introduction to the UV and WFM applications and common workflows. This course prepares participants to attend UV Clinical System Administrator training.

K2400JK 1500
Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0 for Cardiology Release Overview UNVCA152 Remote Instructor-Led

This remote instructor-led course reviews the new clinical features and functions included in the Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0 and 7.0 SP0.0.x for Cardiology releases.

Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0 SP1.0.2 for Cardiology Release Overview UNVCA187 Self-Paced

This self-paced course provides customers with an overview of features and fixes related to cardiology features in Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0 SP1.0.2.

Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0 SP1.0.3 for Radiology Release Overview UNVCA188 Self-Paced

This course introduces participants to the new features and enhancements included in Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0 SP1.0.3.

Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0 Study List Features and Functions UNVCA183 Self-Paced

This self-paced course introduces participants to Centricity Universal Viewer Study List and image viewer components, features and common tasks. By the end of this course, participants will be prepared to attend more in-depth Centricity Universal Viewer Clinical System Administrator training.

This course is also appropriate for individuals needing an introduction to Study List and image viewer features and functions.

This course is intended for customers with Centricity Universal Viewer v.7.0 SP0.0.4.x and above with the Centricity PACS (CPACS) foundation. Differences between UV with the CPACS foundation versus UV with the PACS-IW or UV with the EA foundation are noted but not addressed in depth.

K2400JL 2500
Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0 through 7.0 SP1.0.2 for Radiology Release Overview UNVCA180 Remote Instructor-Led

This course introduces participants to the new features and enhancements included in Centricity Universal Viewer and Centricity Universal Viewer Workflow Manager version 7.0 and subsequent update packages through 7.0 SP1.0.2. This course addresses the following version 7 releases:

  • 7.0
  • 7.0 SP0.0.1
  • 7.0 SP0.0.3
  • 7.0 SP0.0.4
  • 7.0 SP0.0.4.1
  • 7.0 SP0.0.4.2
  • 7.0 SP0.0.4.3
  • 7.0 SP0.0.4.4
  • 7.0 SP0.0.4.5
  • 7.0 SP0.0.4.6
  • 7.0 SP0.0.4.7
  • 7.0 SP0.0.5
  • 7.0 SP0.1.0
  • 7.0 SP1
  • 7.0 SP1.1
  • 7.0 SP1.0.2
Centricity Universal Viewer Advanced Hanging Protocols UNVCA181 Remote Instructor-Led

This course provides participants with the information and skills needed to successfully support end users in the configuration and use of hanging protocols (HPs) and smart reading protocols (SRPs) at their organization. Participants will deepen their knowledge of hanging protocols, learn how to maintain and troubleshoot hanging protocols.

K2400JL 2500
Centricity Universal Viewer Breast Imaging Module Features, Functions and Workflow (SenoIris) UNVCA182 Self-Paced

This self-paced course provides in-depth clinical information specific to the Centricity Universal Viewer breast imaging workflow application, SenoIris. After completing this course, participants will be prepared to utilize the advanced breast imaging features at their organization.

Note: This course addresses Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0 SP0.0.4.7 and higher with SenoIris 1 SP4.1 and higher.

K2400JK 1500
Centricity Universal Viewer Clinical Resource Management UNVCA185 Remote Instructor-Led

This instructor-led course teaches participants about resource management tasks in Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0. By the end of this course, participants will be prepared to manage resources. This course is an audio/visual lecture with student interaction encouraged. 

K2400JL 2500
Centricity Universal Viewer Clinical System Administrator for the CPACS Foundation - Study List UNVCA173 Remote Instructor-Led

This instructor-led course teaches participants about the features and functions of Centricity Universal Viewer (UV) and the administrative tools utilized for clinical system management. By the end of this course, participants will be prepared to assist users in the implementation and adoption of UV and will be prepared to leverage their knowledge to manage the system at their organization. This course is a combination of classroom lectures and hands-on activities. The current released version of the product will be reviewed during the class.

K2400JL, K2400JW PER STUDENT 2500, 5500
Centricity Universal Viewer Clinical System Administrator for the CPACS Foundation - WFM UNVCA130 Remote Instructor-Led

This instructor-led course teaches participants about the features and functions of Centricity Universal Viewer (UV) with Workflow Manager (WFM) and the administrative tools utilized for clinical system management. By the end of this course, participants will be prepared to assist users in the implementation and adoption of UV with WFM and will be prepared to leverage their knowledge to manage the system at their organization. This course is a combination of classroom lectures and hands-on activities. The current released version of the product will be reviewed during the class.

Centricity Universal Viewer Cross Enterprise Display (XED) Product Overview UNVCC102 Self-Paced This self-paced course introduces participants to the Centricity Universal Viewer Cross Enterprise Display (XED) feature. It provides a high-level review of the purpose and benefits of Cross Enterprise Display (XED) as well as its architecture, features and clinical use. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Universal Viewer for Cardiology Clinical System Administrator (CPACS Foundation) UVCCS102 Remote Instructor-Led

This remote instructor-led course covers the administrative features and functions and the basic and advanced features and functions within the Centricity Universal Viewer for Cardiology. This course is an audio/visual lecture and contains product demonstrations and hands-on activities. To complete this course, you will need to successfully complete all activities assigned by the instructor.

P2400JM 3500
Centricity Universal Viewer for Cardiology Clinical System Administrator (EA Foundation) UVCCS101 Remote Instructor-Led

This remote instructor-led course covers the administrative features and functions and the basic and advanced features and functions within the Centricity Universal Viewer for Cardiology. This course is an audio/visual lecture and contains product demonstrations and hands-on activities. To complete this course, you will need to successfully complete all activities assigned by the instructor.

P2400JM 3500
Centricity Universal Viewer for Cardiology Native Cath Tools UNVCA147 Self-Paced This course reviews the Native Cath Tools available in Centricity Universal Viewer. The configuration of ADM groups in the Admin Module and the configuration of the cath buttons on the toolbar in the viewer are discussed in this course. Additionally, catheter calibration, distance measurement, stenosis analysis and a left ventricular analysis are also discussed. P2400JK 1500
Centricity Universal Viewer Native Breast Imaging 7.0.x New Features Training UNVCA184 Self-Paced

This self-paced course contains a series of tutorials that introduce participants to the new features and enhancements included in Centricity Universal Viewer Native Breast Imaging 7.0 and subsequent update packages. Participants should complete the modules relevant to their upgrade. This course is not approved for Continuing Education credits.

Centricity Universal Viewer Native Breast Imaging Features and Functions for Clinical System Administrators UNVCA133 Remote Instructor-Led This remote instructor-led courses teaches clinical system administrators the features and functions of the Centricity Universal Viewer Native Breast Imaging module. After completing this course, participants are prepared to utilize the Native Breast Imaging features at their organization. This course consists of audio/visual lectures and product demonstrations. K2400JL 2500
Centricity Universal Viewer Super User Workflow Training for the CPACS Foundation - Study List (Prework) UNVCA154 Self-Paced

This is self-paced course introduces participants to the Centricity Universal Viewer (UV) Super User role and responsibilities. It also provides an introduction to the UV application and common workflows. This course prepares participants to attend onsite Super User training at their organization.

This course is a prerequisite for the Centricity Universal Viewer Super User for the CPACS Foundation (Onsite) course.

Note: The cost of this course is covered for customers who have purchased the Super User training catalog.

K2400JK 1500
Centricity Universal Viewer Super User Workflow Training for the CPACS Foundation - WFM (Prework) UNVCA167 Self-Paced

This is self-paced course introduces participants to the Centricity Universal Viewer (UV) Super User role and responsibilities. It also provides an introduction to the UV and Workflow Manager (WFM) applications and common workflows. This course prepares participants to attend onsite Super User training at their organization.

This course is a prerequisite for the Centricity Universal Viewer Super User for the CPACS Foundation (Onsite) course.

Note: The cost of this course is covered for customers who have purchased the Super User training catalog.

K2400JK 1500
Centricity Universal Viewer with Cardiology for System IT Managers UNVCT101 Remote Instructor-Led This remote instructor-led course provides participants with an introduction to general tasks and responsibilities as a system IT manager for Centricity Universal Viewer with Cardiology. Topics in this offering may change based upon customer system configuration and requirements. P2400JK 1500
Centricity Universal Viewer with Workflow Manager 7.0 Application Introduction UNVCA169 Self-Paced This course provides participants an introductory look at Centricity Universal Viewer (UV) with Workflow Manager (WFM). It provides an orientation to the application and its associated terminology, with a focus on WFM components and tasks. Successful completion of this course prepares the participant to complete additional courses in the Centricity Universal Viewer curriculum. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Universal Viewer Workflow Manager Features and Functions RDDCE110 Remote Instructor-Led

This instructor-led course provides detailed information about Centricity Universal Viewer Workflow Manager (WFM) features and functions, including components and preferences. By the end of this course, participants will be prepared to assist users in the implementation and adoption of the Workflow Manager and will be prepared to leverage their knowledge to manage the system at their organization. This course is a combination of audio/visual lectures and hands-on activities. The current released version of the product will be reviewed during the class.

K2400JL 2500
Centricity Universal Viewer Zero Footprint Client DICOM Viewer Features UNVCC105 Self-Paced This self-paced course introduces participants to the features and functions of the Zero Footprint (ZFP) client DICOM® Viewer.  K2400JK 1500
Centricity Universal Viewer Zero Footprint Client XDS-Based Patient Timeline Features UNVCC106 Self-Paced This self-paced course introduces participants to the features and functions of the Centricity Universal Viewer Zero Footprint XDS-based Patient Timeline feature. K2400JK 1500
Edison Datalogue Connect Self-Deployed Edge Device EDCCA103 Self-Paced This self-paced course provides steps on how to deploy an Edge device to use with Edison™ Datalogue™ Connect, formerly known as Centricity 360™. The course is intended for administrative users (e.g., Network Administrators or Site Administrators) who can perform tasks such as creating and managing sites within Centricity 360™ and have the ability to configure local PACS devices to enable the Edge device to query those PACS devices.
Enterprise Archive V4 SP23 Image Lifecycle Management Features and Functions ILMCC102 Remote Instructor-Led This instructor led course teaches participants the features and functions of the Enterprise Archive Image Lifecycle Management (ILM) module. This course is designed to train Application Managers on the tasks involved in managing the Image Lifecycle Management module. Participants will also be prepared to train ILM rule approvers. Additionally, participants will be prepared to assist their facility in the adoption of the new software features. The Image Lifecycle Management Module is an optional module of the Enterprise Archive; therefore, this course is optional. This course consists of audio/visual lectures and product demonstrations. K2400JL 2500
Enterprise Archive V8 Image Lifecycle Management Features and Functions ILMCC103 Remote Instructor-Led This instructor-led course teaches participants about the features and functions of the Enterprise Archive Image Lifecycle Management (ILM) module. By the end of this course, participants will be prepared to define, preview, approve, modify. de-activate, and re-activate rules for compression, deletion, and move of images in accordance with local regulations. This course consists of audio/visual lectures and product demonstrations. In order to complete this course you will need to pass the quiz with a score of 75 or above. K2400JL 2500
Office Hours for Centricity Universal Viewer Clinical System Administrators UNVCA156 Remote Instructor-Led

This session offers a review of various topics covered in the following Clinical System Administrator courses:

  • Centricity Universal Viewer Clinical System Administrator for the CPACS Foundation (UNVCA130)
  • Centricity PACS-IW Transitioning to Centricity Universal Viewer with the CPACS Foundation for Clinical System Administrators (UNVCA137)

Specific questions/needs should be sent to the instructor prior to the session.

True PACS - Advanced Clinical System Administrator Training ETPCA061 Remote Instructor-Led

This instructor-led course teaches participants about the features and functions of True PACS and the administrative tools utilized for clinical system management. In addition, this course addresses radiologist workflows. By the end of this course, participants will be prepared to assist users in the implementation and adoption of True PACS and to leverage their knowledge to manage the system at their organization. This course is a combination of lectures and hands-on activities. The current released version of the product will be reviewed during the class.

Note: This course is appropriate for clinical system administrators at organizations with the True PACS for radiology Essentials or Professional packages.

True PACS - Advanced Hanging Protocols ETPCA106 Remote Instructor-Led

This course provides participants with the information and skills needed to successfully support end users in the configuration and use of hanging protocols (HPs) and smart reading protocols (SRPs) at their organization. Participants will deepen their knowledge of hanging protocols, learn how to maintain and troubleshoot hanging protocols.

K2400JL 2500
True PACS - Clinical Resource Management ETPCA104 Remote Instructor-Led

This instructor-led course teaches participants about resource management tasks in True PACS 8.0/Centricity Universal Viewer 7.0. By the end of this course, participants will be prepared to manage resources. This course is an audio/visual lecture with student interaction encouraged. 

K2400JL 2500
True PACS - Clinical System Administrator Workflow Training (Prework) ETPCA050 Self-Paced

This self-paced course introduces participants to the features and functions of the True PACS Workflow Manager and Universal Viewer applications. It provides an introduction to worklist and image viewer components, features, and common workflows. This course prepares participants to attend True PACS - Clinical System Administrator Training.

K2400JK 1500
True PACS - Foundation for Clinical System Administrators ETPCA055 Remote Instructor-Led

This instructor-led course provides detailed information about Workflow Manager (WFM) features and functions, including worklist and image viewer components, preferences, common tasks, and system defaults. This course is a combination of audio/visual lectures and hands-on activities. The current released version of the product will be reviewed during the class.

Note: This course is appropriate for clinical system administrators at organizations with the True PACS Technologist, Essentials or Professional package.

K2400JM 3500
True PACS - Native Breast Imaging Features and Functions ETPCA120 Remote Instructor-Led

This course addresses the features and functions of the Universal Viewer Native Breast Imaging (NBI) module. This lesson prepares participants to utilize the Native Breast Imaging features at their organization.

K2400JL 2500
True PACS - Super User Training ETPCA150 Remote Instructor-Led

This instructor-led classroom course teaches participants about the features and functions of True PACS. By the end of this course, participants will be prepared to train designated end users (e.g., technologists, clinicians, etc.) in the optimal workflow for Workflow Manager and Universal Viewer at their organization.

True PACS - Super User Workflow Training (Prework) ETPCA148 Self-Paced

This self-paced course introduces participants to the True PACS Super User role and responsibilities. It provides an introduction to worklist and image viewer components, features, and common workflows. This course prepares participants to attend True PACS - Super User Training.

K2400JK 1500
True PACS - User Management for Clinical System Administrators ETPCA102 Self-Paced

This self-paced course is intended for clinical system administrators at organizations with True PACS. This course teaches participants about user management for True PACS. Topics include components of user management (privileges, user groups, and users), managing user groups, creating user accounts and ensuring users can access features appropriate to their roles, password maintenance, and bulk uploading data.

K2400JL 2500
True PACS - Workflow Manager and Universal Viewer Application Introduction ETPCA001 Self-Paced

This self-paced course provides an introductory look at Workflow Manager (WFM) and Universal Viewer (UV) - the worklist and image viewer components of True PACS. It provides an orientation to the application, specifically the worklist and image viewer components.

Universal Viewer 8.1 SP2.0.0 Release Overview UNVCA189 Self-Paced This course reviews the key clinical enhancements, and new features and functions included in the Universal Viewer 8.1 SP2.0.0 release. This course addresses both radiology and cardiology updates. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Universal Viewer Native Breast Imaging 8.0.x New Features Training UNVCA190 Self-Paced This self-paced course contains a series of tutorials that introduce participants to the new features and enhancements included in Universal Viewer Native Breast Imaging 8.1 SP2.0.0 and subsequent update packages. Participants should complete the modules relevant to their upgrade. NOT APPLICABLE 0
Workflow Manager 8.0 SP2.0.0 for Radiology Release Overview WFMCA001 Self-Paced This course reviews the key clinical enhancements, and new features and functions included in the Workflow Manager 8.0 SP2.0.0 release.  NOT APPLICABLE 0
Zero Footprint 6.0 SP11.3 Release Overview UNVCA176 Self-Paced

This self-paced course reviews the clinical new features and functions included in Zero Footprint 6.0 SP11.3. This course addresses enhancements to both the DICOM Viewer and the XDS Enabled Patient Timeline.

Zero Footprint 6.0 SP9 Release Clinical Features UNVCA138 Self-Paced

This self-paced course reviews the clinical new features and functions included in Zero Footprint 6.0 SP9. This course addresses enhancements to both the DICOM Viewer and the XDS Enabled Patient Timeline.

Zero Footprint 6.0.X New Features Tutorials UNVCA123 Self-Paced This self-paced series of tutorials introduce participants to the new features and enhancements included in Zero Footprint 6.0 and subsequent update packages. Participants should complete the tutorials relevant to their upgrade. NOT APPLICABLE 0