About this Course

Centricity Cardio Workflow Clinical System Administrator with Reporting (In-Person Classroom)

This course provides an in-depth review of the Centricity Cardio Workflow application (CCW) along with how to manage the physician reporting options along with reports and memos. Upon completion of this course, participants should be prepared to assist with the building and management of their CCW system. GE supported registries will also be examined. Successful completion of the course will prepare participants to assist with the configuration and use of the physician reporting options along with reports and memos in the Centricity Cardio Workflow application. This course is a combination of classroom lectures and hands-on activities. The current released version of the product will be reviewed during the class.


By the completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the functional basics of Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW)
  • Work with exam mode and system settings
  • Configure user accounts
  • Perform patient maintenance tasks
  • Perform basic inventory maintenance and list configuration tasks
  • Configure billing workflow
  • Configure and run administrative reports
  • Describe workflow for invasive and non-invasive modes
  • Work with physician reporting features and functions
  • Create Quick Reports and Macro-to-Form builds
  • Work with audit logs


Before taking this course, you should have completed the following courses or have equivalent experience:

  • Centricity Cardio Workflow Functional Application Overview

How To Take

This course is available from the following learning managment system(s):

Actions LMS Course ID Delivery Method Contact Hours
Healthcare Learning System CCCCA262 HQ 24.0


Topic Description Duration
Day 1
Welcome and Orientation
  • Introductions
  • Course Objectives
Roles and Responsibilities
  • GE HealthCare Team
  • Customer Team
CCW Application & Access and Security
  • Logging on Skytap and CCW (Credential vs. LDAP)
  • Workstation configuration (Viewer vs. Default)
CCW Functional Basics
  • Landing Page and Menu Tab
  • Patient Information Tab
  • Worklist Tab
Break 15
Users and Security
  • General Global Settings and Security Settings
  • Role and Group Administration 
  • System vs. Ancillary Users
  • Users: Add, edit, and assign to exam mode 
  • Carry Forward Physician
  • Audit Configuration Log
Break 60
Data Workflow 15
  • Filtering, Editing, and Creating New Worklists
Break 15
Summary, Questions, and Practice Session 90
Day 2
Day 1 Review 30
Orders and Interface Workflow
  • Requested Procedures
  • Purge Maintenance
Procedures and Billing Codes
  • Create a New Procedure
    Create a New Billing Code
    Add Billing Code to Procedure
Break 15
Billing Workflow
  • Billing Configuration, Worklists, and Cockpit
    Export Charges, Credits, Modifiers, Do Not Bill
Patient Maintenance
  • Patient Merge
    Manage Patient History – Linking and Unlinking an Order
Administrative Reports and Queries
  • Overview of Administrative Reports and Queries
  • Run and Schedule an Administrative Report
Break 60
Inventory Management
  • Inventory Management Overview
  • Create, Edit, and Hide Inventory Categories and Items
  • Unresolved Inventory Items
  • List Configuration
  • Inventory Import Tool
Exam Mode Settings
  • Configure Registered Admission/Request Check
  • Configure Settings – Reading Physician Check, Ready for Review
Break 15
Summary, Questions, and Practice Session 90
Day 3
Day 2 Review 30
Structured Reporting Overview
  • Overview of Forms and Reports
Side-by-Side Reporting
  • Echo and Cath Workflows
  • Quick Reports and When to Apply
  • Auto Save and Undo Icon
  • Required Fields and Indicators
  • Import from Previous
  • Contradictions
  • Intelligent Reporting
  • Cardio Editor – Schematic Mode
  • Mullins and Mayer Heart Diagram
  • TextGen Editor
  • Measurement Form
  • Conclusions – Add/Delete, Free-Text Box, Sort Order, Right-Click
  • Signing, Dual Physician Workflow, Confirmation Window
  • Addendum versus Revised Workflow

Break 15
Mode Maintenance
  • Data Field Configuration Editor (DFCE)
  • Configure Required Fields
  • Add Fields to Conclusions
  • Import from Previous Workflow
  • DFCE Measurement Configuration
  • Navigation Tree
  • Quick Report Configuration and Tree
  • Mac-Lab™/CardioLab Macro-to-Form
Break 60
Summary, Questions, and Practice Session 90

Total Time

  • Lecture: 855 minutes
  • Activities: 270 minutes
  • Assessment: 0 minutes
  • Q&A: 0 minutes
  • Breaks: 255 minutes


Catalog Tuition Credits Billable Hours Note
P2400JN PER STUDENT 4500.0 0.0 0.0

Upcoming Classes

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