About this Course

Centricity Cardio Workflow CathPCI 5.0 Spec Update Rev1 Release New Features

This tutorial provides a high-level overview of the CCW CathPCI 5.0 Rev1 release. This release is an upgrade-only release that targets US CathPCI and STS registry users. It includes changes and fixes to address updated CathPCI 5.0 registry specifications from the NCDR, updates to the STS registry, and addresses a backlog of product fixes. It encompasses the following product versions: 6.0 SP 6.2.1, 7.0 SP 2.2, 7.0 SP 3.1.

How To Take

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Actions LMS Course ID Delivery Method Contact Hours
Healthcare Learning System CCCCA225 Self-Paced 0.5


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NOT APPLICABLE 0.0 0.0 0.0