About this Course

Centricity Cardio Workflow Custom Reporting with Crystal Reports Part 1

This self-paced course provides the participant with the fundamental skills needed to build a report in Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) using Crystal Reports. By using the predefined CCW Crystal Reports template as a starting point, the participant learns key concepts about relational databases and how to retrieve information from the CCW database in particular, basic features and functions of the Crystal Reports user interface, and how to configure a report for viewing and deployment. Lessons in this course are both informational and interactive with participants performing tasks in controlled simulations. A companion study guide accompanies the course, allowing participants to easily follow online lessons and record notes. This course prepares the participant for the Centricity Cardio Workflow Custom Reports with Crystal Reports Part 2 advanced training.
By the completion of this course, you should be able to:
  • Describe the Crystal Reports application and how it is used in CCW
  • Define important relational database concepts such as table, view, primary key, foreign key, and data types


Participants should have prior knowledge of Crystal Reports and/or relational databases, as well as a strong understanding of cardiology workflow and CCW functionality.

How To Take

To take this course, you must register for it in the Healthcare Learning System.

This course is available from the following learning managment system(s):

Actions LMS Course ID Delivery Method Contact Hours
Healthcare Learning System CCCCA227 Self-Paced 5.0


Catalog Tuition Credits Billable Hours Note
P2400JK 1500.0 0.0 0.0