About this Course

Centricity Cardio Workflow CRM Workflow and Configuration

This course provides the clinical system administrator with the skills and information needed to support the clinical workflow features of the CRM Implant and CRM FollowUp exam modes, as well as how to work with native CRM Connect to import and manage CRM data.


By the completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • List and define key CRM concepts
  • Describe the features and functions of the Manage DevicesLeads dialog
  • Explain the purpose of CRMImplant and CRMFollowUp modes


Prior to taking this course, you should have experience with prior versions of CCW, including CCW 7.0 SP4.

How To Take

This course is available from the following learning managment system(s):

Actions LMS Course ID Delivery Method Contact Hours
Healthcare Learning System CCCCA243 Remote Instructor-Led 2.5


Topic Description Duration
Day 1
Welcome and Introductions 10
  • What is CRM?
  • CRM Devices and Therapies
  • CRM Modes
  • Programmers
  • Sessions
  • CRM Workflow
Manage Devices and Leads
  • About the Manage Devices/Leads Dialog
  • Access the Manage Devices/Leads Dialog
  • Features (Exam Level, Patient Level)
    • Devices tab
    • Leads tab
    • MR Compatibility tab
  • Leadless Devices
  • Procedure Log
  • Validation Messages
CRM Modes
  • CRMImplant Mode
  • CRMFollowUp Mode
  • Historic View
Inventory Integration 10
CRM Configuration 10
CRM Connect
  • Overview
  • Import Data from a CRM Device to CCW
  • Unresolved Imports
  • Manage an Incorrect Import
Q&A and Class Closeout 10

Total Time

  • Lecture: 110 minutes
  • Activities: 0 minutes
  • Assessment: 0 minutes
  • Q&A: 10 minutes
  • Breaks: 0 minutes


Catalog Tuition Credits Billable Hours Note
P2400JK 1500.0 0.0 0.0

Upcoming Classes

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