About this Course

Centricity Cardio Workflow 7.0 SP8.2 Release New Features

This tutorial provides participants with information about the clinical and technical new features and enhancements in the Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) 7.0 SP8.2 release.
By the completion of this course, you should be able to:
  • List and explain clinical new features


Prior to taking this course, you should have experience with prior versions of CCW, including CCW 7.0 SP8.1.

How To Take

To take this course, you must enroll in it in the Healthcare Learning System.

This course is available from the following learning managment system(s):

Actions LMS Course ID Delivery Method Contact Hours
Healthcare Learning System CCCCA251 Self-Paced 0.75


Catalog Tuition Credits Billable Hours Note
NOT APPLICABLE 0.0 0.0 0.0