About this Course

Centricity Cardio Workflow Physician Report Templates for System Administrators

This course provides customers who use Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW) physician reporting with an introduction to working with physician report templates using the Report Template Designer feature. By the completion of this course, participants should be able to describe how to launch and navigate the Report Template Designer, duplicate and edit a report template, manipulate modules within a sequence, work with data fields, export and import report templates, and manage report template-related System Administration configurations.
By the completion of this course, you should be able to:
  • Launch and navigate the Report Template designer tool within the CCW Application
  • Duplicate and edit a report template
  • Move, add and delete modules within a sequence
  • Display


Participants in this course should have a strong working knowledge of CCW physician reporting workflow. This course should be taken after the implementation of at least one physician reporting exam mode and your institution's report templates are in a fin

How To Take

To take this course you must enroll in it in the GE Healthcare Learning System (HLS).

This course is available from the following learning managment system(s):

Actions LMS Course ID Delivery Method Contact Hours
Healthcare Learning System CCCCA253 Self-Paced 1.5


Catalog Tuition Credits Billable Hours Note
P2400JK 1500.0 0.0 0.0