About this Curriculum

Centricity Universal Viewer with CPACS Foundation for System Managers (IT)

Curriculum ID: S15-0000020
Actions Course Title Course ID Order Catalog Pricing
*Hands-on Lab Preparation Course LBPREP101 1 NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity PACS System Architecture Overview RA1CC125 2 K2400JK 1500
Centricity PACS Basic Service for System Managers RA1CC203 3 K2400JM 3500
Centricity Enterprise Archive Server and Database Overview EARCA203 4 K2400JL 2500
Centricity Enterprise Archive Application Configuration and Monitoring EARCA204 5 K2400JL 2500
Centricity Enterprise Archive Tag Morphing EARCA103 6 K2400JL 2500
Enterprise Archive V4 SP23 Image Lifecycle Management Features and Functions ILMCC102 7 K2400JL 2500
Enterprise Archive V8 Image Lifecycle Management Features and Functions ILMCC103 8 K2400JL 2500
Centricity Universal Viewer Cross Enterprise Display (XED) Product Overview UNVCC102 9 NOT APPLICABLE 0
Centricity Enterprise Archive DICOM Data Migration Tool EARCT201 10 K2400JK 1500